Tuesday, July 7, 2009

We interrupt this blog . . .

I just got a phone call from my husband telling me to pack my bag, we're flying to Vegas for a few days. We've had trouble getting the dates to work out for a vacation this summer and he decided there was no time like the present. Surprise! I'm giddy with excitement and running around like a crazy lady tossing random things into my suitcase. Thankfully I knew a vacation was looming on the horizon and I hooked up a fantastic guest to keep you entertained while I'm gone. My partner and dear friend Zina is going to take the reins for a few days. She's got some great thoughts on quilting and art that she wants to share, but I'll let her get to that. Meanwhile, I'll be humming along with good ole Frank here: Vegas Chat with you next week! Be sure to leave Zina some love while I'm gone!

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I'm excited to hear what you have to say. Just remember the rules of the playground and play nice!