Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cutting Garden Project

Every year I am bombarded with the worst case of Spring Fever. Living in the Midwest, I know I'm not alone in this particular affliction but I swear I get it worst than most. To take the sting out of the last snowy days of "spring" the peanut and I decided to get a jump on the planting season by starting our own cutting garden project indoors at the beginning of April. Within days we had glorious lime green sprouts filling our windowsill container. It was completely addictive to check how many had appeared every morning. Final count was around 72.
After a few weeks of outdoor weatherization, our little seedlings finally made their way into the garden plot over the weekend. Thank goodness for a very willing husband able to till the ground. This was previously the ugliest little weed patch in the neighborhood and now we are waiting patiently for pink and white cosmos, bells of Ireland, and purple zinnia. 
Some of the seedlings didn't survive the outdoor transfer. We had to restart the bells and zinnia from seed so I'm crossing my fingers they'll work better being planted straight into the ground. And now that we are facing yet another drizzly and overcast week, I have visions of hand-tied homegrown floral bouquets dancing in my head to tide me over until the real start of summer.

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I'm excited to hear what you have to say. Just remember the rules of the playground and play nice!